A beacon and landmark for travellers, the cross situated at the top of Eucla Pass, is illuminated at night and can be seen for miles in each direction. This Traveller's Cross represents & guides all those who are travelling across the Eyre Highway.

Eucla's Roadside Cross was erected in October 1969 and it's design references the traditional wayside cross & Lithuanian heritage of the Patupis family. Steve Patupis transported the 10 metre long metal cross via tip truck, with the beam of the cross extending over the truck's cab.

When he passed through Diamond Bore, residents there questioned if Steve was "building a church out there in Eucla?!".  When they erected the cross, they thought it appropriate to have it blessed.

As it happened, this was about the same time that the sealing of the western side of the Eyre Highway was celebrated, so they had Premier Brand, Minister Sinclair and two priests; Anglican & Catholic from Norseman who agreed to have one ceremony to dedicate the Eucla Cross for everyone. The plaque located at the Traveller's Cross reads:

"This cross is dedicated to all Christians and to those whose effort made this highway and a new Eucla, 18th October 1969". Whilst it was dedicated to all Christians, it is also for all travellers, and then to all the fellows who built the highway and the new Eucla.

When the cross was first erected it did not have the filigree ornamentation around the cross beams that it does now. The filigree is like a Lithuanian National Symbol, the pattern / symbols was added later on to the Traveller's Cross.

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