In the past month, the world around us has gone from normality and a steady stream of summer visitors to regional lockdowns and our state’s hard border closure. As we muddle through this tricky time, we wanted to share the lighter side of the Covid-19 crisis in true Eucla fashion.
18th March 2020
Came into Esperance to pick up some essential supplies for the motel. We made a new friend! Skinny would look pretty good in yellow, might have to take one of these home with us in case things get weirder.
23rd March 2020
Today we had to close our ablution blocks to comply with public health recommendations. All patrons in our Caravan Park now have to be self-contained with their own shower and toilet. I guess that means a bit less cleaning for us!
28th March 2020
I’m in Esperance again, and Skinny just sent me this picture of his ‘office’ set-up for the day. He says he still gets up in the morning, has a shower, puts on his suit & tie and goes to work like normal. He’s got to be joking, right?
2nd April 2020
So, it looks like we are about to experience a ‘hard border closure’. We’re staying open from 7am-7pm this weekend to assist those travelling back to WA. Fuel, motel, caravan park & meals available, so we’d better get ready for the final influx of visitors.
5th April 2020
Skinny has just had a great idea! Due to Western Australian state borders now being closed, we have no fuel, no customers and no guests in our motel rooms. Meaning now we have a stockpile of dunny rolls! To keep ourselves busy, we are happy to offer the WA public a free drone delivery service of this essential item! All we need is your GPS coordinates and we can drone-deliver while you are sitting on your port-a-loo wondering what to do next...
The drone comes with a high-resolution camera, so modesty is advised in your hour of need.
7th April 2020
Now he's really rubbing it in – he tried to get takeaway delivered with his drone.
"Traffic control, we have a problem...the drone crashed carrying a whole roast chicken and gravy with veggies."
He thinks the veggies was asking a bit much. Give me strength.
Not too sure if this "office" story holds with me. I'm in Esperance, it’s too far for me to go and check.
15th April 2020
Unfortunately, people pooping in our bushes is not "self-contained" and as a result we have had to close our caravan park until further notice to ensure the safety & hygiene for us all. Where do these people come from?! We ARE still open for fuel, accommodation and food. Food can be purchased when checking in and will be delivered safely to your room.
Our contact office hours are limited, given the current border closures. Please direct all bookings and enquiries to our email: euclamotel@bigpond.com
In these uncertain times, the one thing we can be certain of is the need for everyone to stay home and work towards keeping our community safe. Whilst you’re staying at home, keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages as we continue to share a variety of experiences for your Eucla visit once it is safe to travel again! A little holiday dreaming never hurt, right?!